When I was a boy I wrote you letters and sent them up the chimney, but as we are now fully centrally heated I am hoping you will be monitoring the internet.
I have been good this year and here are some things I have seen and want for Christmas.
#1 - A Watch
The first item is from http://www.division-furtive.com/ and is a hand built "James Bond" inspired watch that uses a very different paradigm. It is set by light signals from a PC or smart phone, so no controls. Everything else is done by tapping the screen and it only tells the time when you look at it!
There are two version' the "46" that will cost $3,600 and only 46 will be built. The other (and perfectly acceptable to me - hint, hint) is the "40" which costs $250.
The largest difference is that the "40" us an LED diaplay rather than a slider.
Don't ask me why I like it, I don't really know. I just like different watches and this is genuinely different. I already have one of these
This one was described as more a conversation piece than a time piece :)
#2 - A Ring
The second item is this
A geared ring from http://www.kinektdesign.com/ . As someone who usually has his hands busy this ring would be a distraction. It is very industrial in its look and may not fit with my current working image, but is still something that attracts me and I would happily wear one.
#3 - A Toy
Now I have never been a fan of toys like Scalectric or more recently radio-controlled (RC) cars, boats and now helicopters, but...............
Now there is a RC Helicopter with a payload ie a water gun. So now rather than just buzzing my RC toy around I could "interact" with others, say on a sunny summer afternoon. OK, the water tank is not huge, but still I am sure I could make a little go a long way!
I have seen this one as a Groupon offer, but see it can be found at various places on the web. Here is a video of it too.
Are you getting the idea? Seeing the big kid inside?
I will add more items that I want as I come across them.
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