Sunday, 25 November 2012

An unexpectedly brilliant afternoon.

As a bald(ing) man walked on stage with "Masters"-green jacket, black polyester trousers and black-and-white spats I sensed something special was happening. His deep Irish brogue was hard to understand, but there was a presence we had not seen earlier.

We had gone to the Hertford Corn Exchange to a "Sundays live" free session to support a friend whose band was warming up for a big event, for them, next week. Technically they were extremely proficient with to my mind at least influences from The Doors, Yes and others of that ilk. Not surprising you might say given that they are of an age and one is a surgeon, another a headmaster and yet another a farmer.

They were good, don't get me wrong, but they didn't excite me.

Now the guy in green started singing and had the audience (to be fair many had probably come to support him as we had the previous band) and it was then I was told that he had been the lead singer with "The Commitments". Hands up if you remember that film? If not, then this will probably mean little to you. For me I loved the film and have the DVD. To me it is there with "The Blues Brothers" and "The Rocky Horror Show", and I had oft wondered what had happened to the singer who had been so good.

Now I knew, he was here in front of me, for free. He had fun, the audience had fun. It was raw. It was passionate. It had feeling.

It seems that this was just the second gig of this band, but you wouldn't have known it. I cannot play an instrument, but as a football fan can spot a class footballer, I can spot a class musician and I would say that each of the band behind the singer oozed experience and class.

The band was called "Dave Finnegan and the Mighty Mustang" - and yes he finished with "Mustang Sally"!

I am not sure what more to say other that it made for an unexpectedly great afternoon and reminded me that some of the best things in life are still free and unexpected. I suspect I may be back to the Corn Exchange!!

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