Wednesday, 7 November 2012

How do you identify a "real" change manager?

This question was posted in a Linkedin group and has currently generated over 200 comments. I shared my evolutionary tree tracking development of the change professional. I had a few responses, mostly telling me how wrong I was about what a change manager is, but then most of the participants seemed to be from the HR/organisational design stable which in my experience has long seen itself as separate from (and superior to?) the rest of people delivering business, process, product and IT change.

I went back with a second bite.......
Time for a different answer to the question.

You identify them by the reactions they cannot control. When you give them sight of an opportunity to lead and influence change their excitement levels rises, the eyes dilate, their vocal delivery quickens and their breathing shallows. They start sparking ideas, identifying and mitigating risks and issues, they want to communicate the intention to others, organise the work and engage with stakeholders; in short their passion rises and is oh so visible.

Metaphorically at least you may have to hold them back as they want to get started; you don't drive them, they start driving you. Basically they want to do it!

It is not a tick box exercise, but has more similarity to spotting the "other" person across a crowded instinctively read all the signs and you just know!
Interestingly apart from one "like" this generated no response. I am still not sure why? It seems to capture the passion and drive that typifies a real change agent.

What did I miss?

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