Friday, 14 October 2011

The clueless and the stupid! Time to come out of retirement?

What a week! Respecting chronology, I will start with the England Rugby team, or at least a number of it's members. Manu Tuilagi's dive from a docking ferry capped a sequence of dwarf tossing (well attendance at least), kissing strange blondes soon after you are married and making lewd remarks to hotel staff. These were stupid for otherwise intelligent men in a public spotlight, supported by goodness knows how many advisers. This was all on top of some pretty clueless and inept performances in the Rugby World Cup. It makes me consider coming out of 25 years of retirement, Seriously, could I do a worse job?

Then we have the bruhaha(?) around Liam Fox and his best friend/best man. It initially sounded as if it might have been a faux pas and that the quick apology could redress matters. But as the week has passed we have seen a systematic misrepresentation of Mr. Werritty's role and involvement in an unelected, unauthorised position, with cast doubt about elements of their private lives too. The last straw are the revelations of how Mr Werritty has funded his luxury travel through contributions routed via a not-for-profit company. That it has been going on so long makes it hard to believe Mr Fox did not know. If he truly didn't know then he is stupid beyond belief, if he did know then he obviously think he is above the normal rules expected of mere mortals and is obviously clueless about a) public opinion, and b) the resourcefulness of the British press to unearth wrong doing.

The cap comes with Oliver Letwin discarding parliamentary papers in a water bin in Green Park. I think this behaviour is both stupid and clueless. To try and explain it away by saying he likes to take papers and work in the park, official papers to boot, and that he only discarded non-sensitive ones is incredible.

Do these politicians have no idea how to behave or do they feel they are gods and beyond reproach? I wish I knew how to fix this, but if my daughter decides not to vote, when she gets the right, I truly could not blame her. Not only are they all as as as each other, they do not deserve our respect or support.

I once stood for JCR president on a one week, late entry campaign on what you see is what you get. I came a credible second and was able to concentrate on my other interests, but I am thinking that when I come out of my rugby retirement I will also stand as an MP.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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