Now before anyone riles at this I am not suggesting that project managers of the future will be flys, but rather that they will need the optical capabilities of a fly, taking multiple perspectives of a problem This was the most striking picture I could find.
Recent regulatory changes have been increasingly complex, drafted by a number of regulators and impacting businesses with operational and commercial footprints spread across the world. As a result it has become apparent that one has to look at any change from a number of perspectives, some of which are not immediately obvious. Additionally one has to be cognisant of the limited perspective of any advisor as it will limit the advice they can give and the confidence one can take from them.
Imagine a Gibraltan fund that markets into the EU and has appointed fund managers in the US and Japan with a global UK-based custodian. For almost any change now one really has to look at impact and validity of solutions from four or five different perspctives. What is acceptable in Gibraltar and the US may create another problem in the UK or EU. If you just ask the funds Gibraltan lawyers they are likely to look at some aspects, but it is unlikely they could or would want to be held responsible for every relevant domain.
It is unlikely that this can all be codified in simple checklists. Instead the regulatory project manager of tomorrow will have to be perpetually looking at their project(s) from many perspectives hence the multi-faceted eyes.
I wonder what other evolutuionary traits a project manager will need?
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