Thursday, 1 August 2013

Putting last years challenge to use.

I am often asked "Why? Why did you do that?" Mostly this relates to the challenges I have been setting myself these last few years, especially the most recent one of stand up comedy.

Well the simple answer is because I think it is good to keep learning new things and it is amazing how much can be used in either my personal or professional life.

Last year I looked at film making. I was an interesting experience and while I have not yet (and probably won't) write a script or produce a film, I have just put together a montage video for my daughter's 18th birthday. It took me plenty time, but I am pretty happy with the results. I think that some of what I heard last year rubbed off and the Serif MoviePlus software helped with the rest.

Apart from a couple of the pics/clips my daughter was happy too and has shown her friends, so I feel I can share it here. It is a little over 9 minutes long so won't take too much of your day.

I know this posting is a little self-indulgent, but as a father I think one can do that once in a while.

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