There is something that feels so very wrong about yesterday's announcement that the UK government is placing a blanket ban on broadband services to home in Britain; that is unless you specifically request to have access to pornography.
Let me say that I am not advocating pornography, though I will admit having seen some over the years, initially as old magazines left in bushes by older boys through to the more modern digital versions. What I object to is something around the infringement of personal freedoms and the use of blunt instruments to grandstand for political advantage.
Part of the freedom is for an adult to view legitimate materials including pornography without having to feel a social pariah, but having to ask for the filters to be lifted. How long before this becomes a question on employment applications - "Do you have pornography enabled at home?"
I love this country and the freedoms we enjoy. I guess I have taken them for granted, but this one winds me up. If they can do this what will they do next? Anyone with any experience of these content filters knows that they are far from problem free or indeed complete.
A true story has an ex-colleague trying to buy strings ofr his guitar from work. This was allowed as the management recognised that allowing some personal use of the internet was actually a positive thing, but could be buy a G-string? I think not as the content filter prevented it.
I am also aware that there are ways around most of these and it will probably end up that any technology competent teenager will know how to get around the filters.
As my daughter has grown up we have placed various control, education and oversight. In the end we have a rounded young adult that we are proud of and who can deal with the curve balls life serves her. I much prefer this outcome.
And as for David Cameron, stop showboating with window-dressing initiatives such as this and fix the real problems with the economy. That is what you were elected for, not to place blanket bans across the country - we do not live in China!
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