Friday, 15 February 2013

Some great job titles.

The other day on Linkedin I came across someone with the job title "Joint Venture Partner at Data Centre Services Bhutan". Now I don't know why but I struggled to see what demand there would be for Data Centre Services in Bhutan, a small relatively undeveloped Himalayan kingdom. That said, it is a great title.

I realise that I shouldn't think that way as the world is incredibly deverse and richer for it. What this discovery triggered was a short search for other great job titles that I thought I would share. The list below are all "real", well they are used by members of Linkedin.
  • AMBASSADOR- South Florida of USA Pickleball Association
  • The Office Furniture Guru 
  • Barista Maestro
  • Freelance Elephant Spotter
  • Digital Jedi
  • Squirrel Imaginary

I have no idea what a "squirrel imaginary" is or indeed why we would need a "freelance Elephant spotter", but it is good to know that they are there if you need one.

I liked the "Barista Maestro", but then found it was pretty mainstream and seemed to be a common term, just not one I, as a tea drinker, had heard of. Still, I thought it warranted inclusion.

I have a sense of what a "digitial Jedi" might be and "The Office Furnitire Guru" sounds like one of those great titles given out in a reorganisation, as a way of telling you that your time is up. I think I might be concerned if I were assigned a title like that.

The Ambassador's role caught my imagination and a little Googling showed it to be a serious undertaking. The sport(?) has been going since the 1960's and supports a professional player. I could only see reference to a single professional so I guess tournaments are not that exciting?

Anyway this was a bit of Friday frivolity, but please add any other good(?) job titles you have come across in order that we can all enjoy them.

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