Friday, 24 August 2012

The value of housekeeping!

I have a Samsung Galaxt SII phone, that all in all I like a lot. My only moan, and I have covered this before was the short battery life. This is a recognised drawback.

My solution was to buy a bigger (2x) battery that also gave some welcome bulk when holding it.

For a long while I have been happy, but just recently the battery life got worse. The phone was often not lasting a working with only light use. This was both annoying and frustrating. If the battery had not been reasonably new I might have suspected battery fatigue.

Instead I went online to research the question. There was certainly a lot of chater that the latest release of the Android software was power hungry, but I could not really follow the geeky advice. I did see something about disabling something "push" and took the advice to download a battery saver app and something called autostart.

The battery saver did seem to find lots of apps to close, many of which I had no idea were running. I am a curious user so have downloaded many apps , but use relatively few. Seeing all the apps closing I decided to uninstall all the apps I could not remember using or had no future intention using. I then ran autostart and found reams of apps all set to start when the phone started - these are now disabled and I start them when I need them.

Lastly under developer options in setting I found a switch to close an activity when I leave it, thus, I think reducing the number of residual apps operating in background and consuming power.

I am sure I have lost some functionality doing all this but I have not really noticed what.

Today I have used the phone and after 10 hours I still have 2/3 charge. My phone is back to being a useful phone again!

The moral is to housekeep more is worth it.

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