Friday, 27 July 2012

Oh My God.....They want me to fold up a blanket!

This post is written from the inside of what I imagine is the inside of a teenage girl's head - I will let you guess who?

Well, yesterday was my birthday. Mum and Dad made an effort and put up banners and balloons and things and laid my cards and presents out. I was still in my PJs and I let them kiss my cheek as I closed my eyes and screwed my face up (yeuck); they had tried after all. I got some presents, but mainly money that I want to spend as quick as possible, but I will come back to that.

There was no point in getting dressed so I went back to bed, school holidays and all that. They had asked me what I wanted to do fro my birthday and suggested Westfield, but I did that last year and the year before - do they think all I live for is shopping?

Instead they arranged for my cuz's to come round this evening for bubbly and nibbles, so that should be OK.

I did get up late morning when Nan & Grandad came, but only appeared after I had put on all my makeup and false eyelashes, put my hair up and put on a new bright orange flourescent jumper. I looked good!

The afternoon was (grudgingly) OK and then later on my coz's came. They are fun even if they always raid my wardrobe and never give it back. We had plenty of bants (that means chatter) and a fire in the firepit and then chocolate cake.

I have spent loads of time looking at internet shopping and hope my Mum will take me out to the shops soon. There must be another bag I need or some shoes or some jewellery or another jacket or some makeup or........well you get the picture.

My cuz invited me to a picnic in the park today with her and her mates. That was fun. I took a blanket from the car and went with my cuz to the shops to get food. There were two guys playing guitars and I called them over - one was as old as my Dad. They played good.

When I got home I grabbed the blanket from C's car and left it on my Dad's. He asked if I had the cover for it and luckily I found it inside the blanket. He then asked me to fold it!! WTF Why should I fold it? He said something about returning it as I had found it so I put him off with a "in a minute" and went inside to watch TV.

After a while he asked again and I said "in a minute". This happened a few times until he lost patience and started bugging me. I told him I wanted to sleep, but he kept on so I grabbed my phone and went to my room.

You know what he even dumped the crumpled blanket in my room and thought that would make me do it. I just threw it out an over the stairs.

What planet are they on!?!?!?!?!

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