Friday, 11 May 2012

A belated happy birthday

I have just realised that two days ago missed the second anniversary of this blog - happy birthday to me!!

It seems a good point to reflect on this blog and my experience with it. When I started I had no real expectations, but rather wanted to better understand first hand this practice called "blogging" and see if I could "do it".

This is now my 195th blog according to the stats of an average of around one every three to four days. In truth there are periods when I post almost daily and others when the muse deserts me.

I am glad that I accepted and informed from the start that the topics covered would be an eclectic mix, because they have been. There has been broad theme of "change", but I have truly posted when things have interested, surprised, stimulated or amused me.

It is gratifying that the reported daily page views is currently running around 70 and growing steadily. I can see that. A small number of these come from spurious sites that see to plague bloggers trying to do......I know not what....., but most seem to be genuine connections from google searches or more directly from sites such as LinkedIn or my other websites.

Geographically the links have come from all over the world - quite literally. The US and UK are the biggest audiences, but I have had visitors from places such as Nepal, Indonesia, Chile, Ecuador, Ukraine and South Korea. Have no idea why they should come, but the reach and potential of this medium is exciting.

Personally I have enjoyed the exercise and experience of blogging. At school I was much more comfortable with numbers and pictures than with words and have often seen writing as one of my weaker skills. Interestingly now, it seems that people consider my ability to communicate through the written word to be strong skill. In part this may be from the continual practicing here, or maybe a comment on the differences between the school system I grew up with and more recent ones that some younger colleagues experienced.

One question I have pondered is whether this is serious enough now to produce some cards I can use when people so me about the blog. The frustrated designer in me created a design that uses QR code - those blocky patterns one sees more and more, which can be used to allow a suitable equipped smart phone to just scan the image and automatically receive the embedded information.

Right now to produce the cards feels self indulgent and I have not acted, but I may do so.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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