Wednesday, 18 April 2012

How Elevators Defy The Basic Rules of Matter

Have you noticed that at times of peak demand in busy buldings with modern elevators there seems to be a temporary suspension of the rules concerning the preservation of matter?

It always seems that at busy times whether you are looking to go up or down, the majority of elevators are going in the "other" direction, such that far more seem to go than come back. Where do they go? Is there some elevator reservoir that collects the surplus lifts ensuring that only the bare minimum come your way?

I have some image in my mind of Dr Who's Tardis under (or on top) of these buildings.

Whatever the reason ingress and egress to major modern buildings seems to be a huge waste of time (can take up 10-15 minues of time at busy points) and a source of unnecessary stress to some.

Any thoughts to share?

NB for any reader no familiar with Dr Who, it is a long running BBC TV series with a Tardis (Time and relative dimensions in space) that is far bigger inside that it is outside!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well observed. This must somehow be related to the phenomenon of the faster-moving supermarket checkout line - or motorway lane in congested traffic - which immediately grinds to a halt as soon as one joins it.


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