Last night found me sitting amongst a near sell out crowd at the Watford Colleseum at a concert by a bank I never thought I would be at, and it wasn't bad. The group in question has been performing over 50 years and last night, after a stroke to one of the intended line-up, performed with only three.
They had an adoring, if ageing, crowd who stood from the start and barely sat down even when the slow songs came up. They play plenty of instruments and one is a drummer. He is no spring chicken, but had a drum duel followed by a sparkling solo (my wife tells me he was once on the world's list of top ten drummers - and I can believe that). It was as good as any I have heard and at the end after mopping his brow, he put his jacket back on and returned to join the other two, with no visible signs of fatigue.
Many of the songs were well known and the crowd knew the words, but a couple were new showing they are still writing and creative after all this time. Many of the group members along the years were not there, but as their picture flashed on screens the affection of the crowd was clear.
My wife had told me that there would be lots of men there, and on balance about 25% were male. A few were up dancing though, in the circle, where we werr, most seemed slightly reserved and disconnected - as if they were the driver for the night. They applauded rightly, but were not swept away with the greater enthusiasm of the female of the species.
My wife's signature whistle pierced the air at the end of most tracks and one woman in front probably has ragged arms today. When every one was appluading, she was always waving frantically, arms crossing over her head, hands flipping liked a cheerleaders pom-poms. This was not just once, but at every opportunity.
So who was it? Well it was the Osmonds. last night it was just Jimmy, Merril and Jay, backed by a very competent set of musicsians from Missouri. They harmonised well. They hit the high notes - well Jimmy did. And it was not apparent that they had had to change the songs to accomodate diminishing skills. The moves were still there, if a little energetic and so were the smiles.
They are on a 50 show sell out tour in the UK as the Osmonds Farewell tour. My wife had not intended to go until yesterday morning and then managed to get two tickets. Her sister (another Osmonds fan) was unwell so could not go and I stepped up.
My wife is very glad she did go and I will admit, though the Osmonds are not and have never been my taste in music (I might argue with their own claim that they play rock!), that they are accomplished musicians and performers who have outlasted most and seem to have the respect of many.
NB I guess that just asking the question in the title, means I had no street cred to begin with! :)
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