Sunday, 21 August 2011

Weird Al Yankovich and Peter Frampton (and Steve Forbert?)

For people of a certain age (my age give or take a few years) and long memories the two names above mean something. They hit the pop chart and were stars in their own ways for a while. That said they are two names I would not naturally link and cannot recall thinking about for many years.

Frampton sticks I my memory for his mouthbox(?) by which he modulated his guitar sound on "Show me the way"

Yankovich was a weird looking American comedian(?) who did p*ss-take cover versions of hit songs. I best remember him doing Michael Jackson's "Beat It".

Now both are being promoted, almost in the same breath or poster for concerts they are performing here in Florida including Universal in Orlando.

Strange, eh? I can understand bigger stars such as Duran Duran doing this - and yes they are on billboards too. They had bigger followings and a bigger repertoire, but I am surprised and disappointed that the current music scene cannot do better than re-hype and recycle the likes of Peter and Al.

If you are going to do that bring Steve Forbert over to the UK!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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