Well here is my linked in network! Cool, eh? It is produced by a visit to inmaps.linkedinlabs.com
What is does is map, with your permission, go and look at your linkedin account and map your connections and the links between them. It then tries to coloour code similar groups. I had no idea mine looked like this.
Not surprisingly for me the blue relates largely to my last employment and as you can see it is very networked between people. The green relates largely to a previous employment were I was also there a number of years.
In the proper app you can click on any node and see who it is and who they are connected with. It will usually, but not always - and I don't know why, embolden the links from that node. With a little visual inspection you can find the key nodes or networkers in your world.
So apart from offering an unusual wall paper design this is a pretty good tool for understanding your linkedin network and all for free.
As an aside I am thinking mine looks something like a cockerel - green for head and neck, blue for tail feathers. Would anyone care to share theirs?
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