I was asked this by a recruitment agent today as we talked about a search he is helping on. I found it slightly surprising that I do not recall being asked this before.
While my immediate answer may not be conventional the first question is, "Do I like the candidate?" This may sound superficial, but if I am to work with them and they work for me I want to be able to trust them and enjoy a positive experience (why wouldn't I?) and liking them is a key foundation for satisfying these points.
On reflection this supports the advice one receives about building rapport with the interviewer - it is more important than just being nice to have.
The second question I am looking to answer is, "Do I think they will enjoy the role/position I am recruiting them for?" the reason for this is that it will benefit neither of us if there is a misfit. Their performance will be lower if they do not enjoy and feel rewarded by performing the role. The additional risk is that they will not stick with the job and I will find myself re-recruiting again sooner than I would like to.
This again resonates with the trouble candidates can experience when they try and move into a new role. If the potential employer does not believe you fit, there is little you can do to change that perception, no matter how you protest.
Whether I think they CAN (or could) perform in the role is no higher than third on my list. Of course inspection of their CV before the interview will have already given some comfort about their skills and competencies, so further exploration can wait until second interview.
I wonder if this list resonates and indeed what you, the reader, look for when you interview.
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